Making the Biggest Impact

Today, children and teens in the foster care system lack the accessibility to mentorship, resources, and opportunities that could have the potential to better shape their futures. After my non-profit work in Ghana, Africa, in the Summer of 2014, I realized how lucky and blessed we are to be in a country where we have access to these types of resources and support. What is lacking in our cities and towns is making these programs and resources readily available and known to the individuals they impact the most.

2 Heads Up is a non-profit organization that supports adolescents who are aging out of the foster care system. Our mission is to help educate them on the skills needed in the real world. Examples include assisting with interview processes, acceptance into college, professional development, financial literacy, housing stability, and social independence. The most impactful way to make a difference in our world is to help create a better future, and our future is these kids.

Linda Barg